Ralph Joseph R. Domen A.k.a. "R.J." 18 years of age is from 9519 Anubing Street San Antonio Village Makati City. He's a Cellphone Technician.Presently, he's studying at FEATI University taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(BSIT).His hobbies are photography, graphics designing, playing guitar and surfing the internet. He started photography as a hobby last November 2010 when he bought his D.S.L.R. or the Digital Single Lens Reflex and currently his a new member of KLIK Camera Club in Sta. Cruz, Laguna.

        R.j. is Happy Go Lucky, a gadget addict and a friendly person as well. He has all the gadgets that he want such as laptop,psp,ipod,video cam and digicam,electric and acoustics guitars,piano,cellphones and of course his new best friend his DSLR Camera.